Grief Support Services
Explore our support groups offered in Maine & Massachusetts. Independent grief services are not affiliated with The Family Restored.
Grief Support Group
The Family Restored has partnered with The Sun Will Rise Foundation to offer grief support groups to anyone who has experienced the death of someone they care about due to substance use (drug/alcohol) or overdose. Through our partnership with The Sun Will Rise, all members of the group will also have access to their private Facebook page, a variety of virtual support groups and information on regular gatherings.
Meeting Information:
Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month – 6:00-7:30 pm
1st Wednesday of the month
The Family Restored Office
631 Stevens Ave, Suite 205
(Come through the main glass doors, up the stairs and the second business door on the right)
3rd Wednesday of the month
Virtual format – please email for the Zoom link