Lyric Levarity

Lyric Levarity was born on April 1, 1998 and was deceased on March 24, 2019 seven days before her 21st birthday.
Lyric was an intelligent outgoing young lady with an infectious smile. She enjoyed singing, basketball, ice skating and other activities.
She loved being with her friends and family.
In the midst of her struggles, she said to her grammy that she wanted to do good but she felt like she wasn’t doing good. Her grammy showed her the Bible verse in Romans 7 “Instead of doing what I know is right, I do wrong.”
In the last few months Lyric wanted to know more about the God she knew.
“God had Mercy on Lyric. He understood her suffering and pain. He said come home my child and I will give you rest.” – By Grammy
Her sister says “the sun will rise again” and her Mom says “Rest in PEACE my pretty Angel.”
Lyric was greatly loved. She will be sorely missed by her mother, grammy, sister, brother, aunt and host of other family and friends.
Thanks and love from the Levarity Family.