Mike Boland
After 10 plus years of active addiction Mike sought treatment in November of 2016 and moved to Portland, ME in 2017 to continue to pursue recovery in the 12-steps. He first heard about the Family Restored through being asked to speak at a family restored meeting at the PRCC in Portland, Maine in 2017. Mike regularly spoke at these meetings when asked, helped launch and currently facilitates the Family Restored Support Group in South Portland, Maine. Mike has always been impressed with the mission of the family restored and is committed to helping this organization in any way possible, including: family meeting facilitation, 12 step workshops for families and sitting on the planning committee of the Family Restored Annual Softball Tournament in Portland, Maine.
Mike has been working in treatment and teaching 12 Step Recovery at treatment centers in New Hampshire and Maine since March of 2018. He has held positions including Recovery Support Specialist, Lead Recovery Support Specialist, Recovery Case Manager, 12 Step Coordinator and Director of 12 Step Programming for a 180 bed treatment facility in New Hampshire, before accepting a new position as Program Coordinator at Casco Bay Recovery in Portland, Maine. He has an immense amount of passion for 12 Step Recovery and has made it his life’s mission to help guide people suffering from addiction and their families to finding a path to 12 step recovery.